Wednesday, February 24, 2010

How to mend the broken heart?

Most break-ups happen after Christmas, some couples survive past Valentine's Day because it might be less painful to deal with the loss. However, parting, no matter when, is painful. Here are the strategies, I believe, that can help to those who are trying to feel less pain.

Yes, it is healthy to sit around, brood and moan and feel sorry for yourself for at least a week. But then decision must be made of how to get you feeling functionally easy going again. If you want to hold off on antidepressant fill your life with "logical" good for you things and just do it. If points 1, 2, 3 & 4 won't work, go straight to 5--get on antidepressant! It will make your life easier!

1. Live your life logically, at least for the time being. Exercise, eat well, go to bed at the same time. Just force yourself to go through the routine motions. Make written schedule of things to do, force yourself. Fight for feeling of easy being.

2. Fill up your social calendar with activities and just do it even if you don't feel like it. We are social animals and being around others gives you perspective on life. Everyone else is fighting some sort of battle which makes you realize not only you have drama in life.

3. If you are a parent, help your child. Helping your child is like putting seeds into the soil and watering them. Whatever you plant and tend to will grow. Seeing positive growth in your children will make you happier. "Significant other" men & women may come and go, but your most important role is of a parent (at least at this point in your life).

4. Everything passes. Realize that day after day, month after month and year after year will pass. Time is the best remedy for any sort of ache (physical or mental).

5. Get on antidepressant. Yes, I know, it is very much not like me, but sometimes it is the best option. Especially if you tried psychotherapy, exercising, yoga, meditation, natural supplements, relaxation for a while but you still feel gut wrenching angst. It may take few weeks for it to work, in the meantime use points 1, 2, 3 & 4 to get you to feel better.

With love, Luba

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